About Us

We are among the only content places that treat the readers with as much respect as we do the dedication to following up new stories on their request. Our passion for technology and especially the joy we feel trying out new versions of gadgets and software, is the intangible engine that wakes a hundred strong team of writers through nights providing updates to our readers.

A clear sense of purpose and excitement fill the halls of creativity that our readers occupy. We have an ethic of hard work and perfection that is reflected without question in the quality and amount of work placed into the website on a daily basis.

Readers are a full stop away from the writers, who are constantly attached to the work they do. Comments expressing the opinions that readers are provoked by the content are always an enjoyable place to hangout. The most engaging conversations and sometimes friendships break out in front of all the readers, perhaps the reason why platforms such as ours are thriving.

We know how each reader differs from the next, as such we try to encompass all areas of existence with a deep personal touch that is unmistaken given that all other platform do try doing the same thing.

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